The Taterball Baseball


  • More dense than other foam balls giving the smooth feel and “pop sound” off of the bat.
  • The Taterball Baseball is the heaviest pitching machine foam ball on the market.
  • Low-rise painted red seams create the look of a real ball.
  • Realistic flight like a leather ball.
  • Swing after swing…with no fear of hand/wrist pain from constantly hitting real balls.
  • Train using your game bat so you are ready when you step in the box.
  • Great for backyard batting cages with HOA rules/regulations.

The Taterball is unlike anything else in the market.

Wet Climates

During testing, the Taterball was submerged underwater for 14 hours and it did not gain an ounce.

No Rise

Unlike other foam balls, there is no last minute rise when the ball approaches the plate.


Simulated 90+ mph fastball out of a pitching machine (tested with the Hack Attack and Spinball Wizard) also used for curve, slider and more.


Simulated 70+ mph fastball out of a pitching machine (tested with the Hack Attack) also used for drop, rise, screwball and more.

Taters on the 'gram

We wanted to say THANK YOU to all of our customers that have brought The Taterballs into their program.  Over 105k balls on the market and still going strong.  We are overwhelmed with all of the positive feedback we have received from you.  We enjoy seeing posts/tags and receiving comments or videos about The Taterballs.  Keep them coming @thetaterball #baseball #softball @mlb @milb #mlb #milb #battingcages @sports.attack @spinballsports #baseballlife #softballlife
Not only can our Taterballs be used for hitting but great for training on blocking this way the catchers don’t take a beating on all the reps.  Our Taterball Softballs weigh 5oz and are a high density foam.  Optic yellow with red painted seams. #softball @sports.attack @usasoftball @softball #indoorbattingcage @thetaterball @catching #catching
The best high density compressed foam balls on the market.  The Taterball Baseball and Softball.  Used in pitching machines, flips, short toss and T work.  Great for hitting, catching and defensive drills. @thetaterball @sports.attack #hackattack #jugs #ironmike #mlb #milb #baseball #softball #battingcage @mlb @milb #college @baseball @softball
We love getting videos from our customers!  Glad you love the Taterballs @jocarp20  #mlb #milb @mlb @milb #baseball #softball #foamball #besttrainingball #tunnel #battingcage
Nice being able to see one of our MLB customers putting the Taterballs to use.  They have them stocked and loaded in every cage. @padres @thetaterball @mlb @milb @sports.attack #hackattack #jrhackattack #baseball #softball #battingcage #battingtunnel #pitchingmachine #foamball #baseballtraining
Getting a workout in using The Taterball Softballs.  Best high density compressed foam ball on the market.  5oz/12” optic yellow with slightly raised red painted seams.  They won’t damage your $700 bats.  They are selling fast so make sure you get your order in.  @kallyvsoftball @thetaterball #softball #softballlife @softballcommunity @az_dingers #indoorfacility #battingcage
Inventory is fully stocked and ready!  We appreciate everyone’s patience.  All backorders and new orders coming in will start shipping today.  @thetaterball @sports.attack #mlb @mlb @milb #milb @baseball #baseball